Grackle Eclipse

April 3-June 1 2024

closing reception May 29 7-9pm

“Grackle Eclipse”, a solo show at Hanger Gallery, is inspired by the solar eclipse that is happened on my birthday, April 8 2024.  On exhibit is all new work embracing a darker, celestial side of grackles with over a dozen originals including a giant grackle and new stained glass light boxes.

I have painted grackles since 2011 but I wasn’t always part of the grackle fan club. They ate all my dogs’ food, pooped all over my deck and I could nothing to deter them. Out of frustration, I started to do oil paintings of them on small wooden panels that I built myself. This seemed to do the trick and the grackles disappeared…at least temporarily. Call it a love/ hate relationship, my feelings lean more toward respectful cohabitation. Now painting grackles is bigger than me and larger than life spanning 5 feet in size. Grackles are an indelible backdrop to Austin culture that spur many emotive responses and continue to be an endless source of inspiration for me.  

All sales inquiries please contact the gallery:



Plastered and Possessed, New Work