Plastered and Possessed, New Work at Cloud Tree Gallery Aug 20-Sept11 2022
Carly Weaver presents new work in both sculpture and painting and a combo of the two. Her sculpture series of plaster cast objects atop glass jars is inspired by a childhood craft making project. She explores the ritual of saving jars and reusing jars for storing things unoriginally intended. Chocolate bunny, seashells, wedding rings, pretzels and even a Smurf are some of the focal subjects on the lids while the jars themselves remain empty. Sometimes trophies or commemorations, the sculptures work with themes of memory and sensory triggers, ideas of value, preciousness and being a collector or an accumulator.
Weaver also reveals large scale portrait work through drawing, painting and plaster relief. The work is a personal documentation that reflects universal themes of identity, family and personal inter-connections. In three panels she uses her family as reference to create larger than life plaster silhouettes. The plaster silhouettes dominate the pieces creating a large negative space but also are reminiscent of smaller cameos that amplify ideas of cherishing, possessing and love. Every portrait is enveloped by nature such as flora drawings and mixed media like crystals which are reflections of each individual.
Selected images of artwork below.
Great Aunt Myrtle, oil, charcoal and plaster on wood, 96x48
More about the show:
Plastered and Possessed is a two-woman exhibition of new paintings and sculptures by Carly Weaver and Mariel Wilmoth at Cloud Tree Gallery with opening events happening Aug 20 6-10pm including food,drinks, interactive art for the kids, live screen printing by FSG prints and DJs Chulita Vinyl Club ATX.
Weaver presents a sculptural series of plaster cast objects atop glass jars with focal objects like a chocolate bunny, seashells and a Smurf. The sculptures are accompanied by large, reverent portrait paintings combining plaster relief and mixed media to explore themes of identity, family and inter-personal relationships.
Wilmoth's art installation is a tongue -in-cheek commentary on our very emotional relationships with food. The installation dominates the gallery floor with a gothic dining room setting with her nonpareil anthropomorphic food demons sculpted in clay. Horseshoe crab pancake baby gurgling goblets of blood and armadillo burrito man blowing his beans out of his bowels are just a few of the dinner guests on exhibit at Cloud Tree Gallery Aug 20-Sept 11.